The Social Science Department and Great Bay Community College are pleased to offer the series, “Perspectives on Community Colloquium.”

The series will focus on the importance of minority perspectives through both historical context and the recent current events, including the impacts of the recent protests on police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement and the impact of COVID-19. The series hopes to provide a space for minority voices that are too often missing from college curriculum and larger discussions, highlighting the peoples’ experiences and stories local to New Hampshire and the questions we face as a community.

The colloquium’s emphasis on the principles of fairness, mutual respect, and integrity are at the heart of the College’s mission to encourage active civic and community engagement in our students. It is our intention to facilitate a rich discourse regarding these important matters among our students and the greater community. We look forward to this colloquium and others following to be the beginnings of conversations within our community and self-reflection.

Upcoming Colloquium Events & Speakers

Due to bandwidth limitations, the sessions will be restricted to 100 participants. If you miss the live, virtual event, you can still watch the recordings, which will be made available in the archive after the talk.

Stay tuned for upcoming events and speakers…

If you have questions, email and


If you missed out on the live, virtual event, you can watch a replay of the session on YouTube. The recordings will be made available below after the talk has concluded.

Past Recordings & Speakers

Judge Margeurite WagelingNavigating Modern Law & Politics

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

Judge Margeurite Wageling was the first woman elected to be Hillsborough County Attorney, a position she held from 2004 to 2009, and was an active member of Judicial Selection Commission, the NH Child Advocacy Center Statewide Advisory Council, the Elliot Hospital Board of Directors,. the NH Crime Commision, and the NH Edler Abuse Advisory Council. A graduate of the Franklin Pierce Law Center (now the UNH School of Law), since 2009 she has been a justice of the New Hampshire Superior Court, until her retirement last year.  She will be sharing some of her many experiences in a varied career navigating modern law and politics.

Watch the Replay
Alec Momenee-DuPrieTransgender Experience in Academia

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Alec Momenee-DuPrie is a transgender (female to male) GBCC alumni from the History program with a passion for advocacy and cultural discussion. He presented on the transgender experience within academia and the challenges of unearthing transgender history as well as answering questions about transgenderism and the ways everyone can create a safe campus environment in GBCC.

Watch the Replay
Dr. Amy MichaelForensic Anthropology

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Dr. Amy Michael of the UNH Anthropology department will talk about her work in forensic anthropology. She works as an educator, in the field with archaeologists, and law enforcement officers. Through her with the Trans Doe Task Force, she addresses the challenges of accurately representing and identifying transgender and non-binary decedents.

Paul W. Pouliot & Denise K. Pouliot – Gender in Indigenous Culture & History

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

Paul W. Pouliot and Denise K. Pouliot of the Cowasuck band of the Penacook-Abenaki people speak about gender and its role in indigenous culture and history.

To respect the request of the speakers, this session was not recorded. For more information, please contact the Cowasuck Band at or . For more information on the Indigenous New Hampshire Collaborative Collective please see
Judge Mark HowardWomen and Gender in the Government & Judiciary

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

Judge Mark Howard speaks about women and gender as they relate to the government and judiciary.

Watch the Replay
Judge Mark HowardPolicing & the Justice System

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Judge Mark Howard spoke about policing and the justice system in the context of Constitutional law and government.

Watch the Replay on YouTube
Dennis Britton and Allyson Ryder – Black Heritage Trail: Hidden Histories & their Impact

Dennis Britton and Allyson Ryder from the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire spoke about uncovering ‘hidden’ histories and their impacts on the community.

Watch the Replay (Part 1) on YouTube
Watch the Replay (Part 2) on YouTube
Paul W. Pouliot & Denise K. Pouliot – Indigenous History & Culture

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Paul W. Pouliot and Denise K. Pouliot of the Cowasuck band of the Penacook-Abenaki people spoke about the indigenous history and culture present in our communities.

To respect the request of the speakers, this session was not recorded. For more information, please contact the Cowasuck Band at or . For more information on the Indigenous New Hampshire Collaborative Collective please see

Tanisha Johnson – Race, Activism, Intersectionality, and Society in Contemporary Communities

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

Tanisha Johnson formerly of the Exeter YMCA, Racial Unity Team, and co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Seacoast Chapter spoke about race, activism, intersectionalities, and society in contemporary communities.

Watch the Replay on YouTube

Sheriff Mark Brave – Diversity Surrounding Politics & Law Enforcement

April 21, 2021

Sheriff Mark Brave spoke on questions of diversity surrounding politics and law enforcement and his experience as the first elected Black sheriff in New Hampshire. 

Watch the replay on YouTube

Melina Hill Walker – Wellness & Disparities in Health Care Access

February 23, 2021

Melina Hill Walker of the Endowment for Health spoke on wellness and disparities in health care access in her talk “Race, Intersectionality, and NH.”

To access the materials referenced from the Race and Equity in NH series, please see the Endowment’s Health Equity webpage.

Watch the Replay on YouTube

*Check back regularly for links to event recordings.

Contact Information

Please contact Dr. Aimee Huard with any questions, at